Pacific Harvest Achieves Certification

Pacific Harvest Achieves Certification

Pacific Harvest achieves certification and is delighted to join a growing community of B Corp-certified businesses in Australasia. This certification marks a significant milestone for the company, affirming its unwavering commitment to ethical and sustainable practices while actively contributing to the growth of a thriving seaweed industry in New Zealand.

Pacific Harvest is an edible seaweed specialist, offering a range of delicious seaweeds in various formats. They are leading a movement to a future where delicious seaweeds are eaten in everyday meals, powered by the opportunity to nourish and restore people and planet, naturally. The company supplys leading chefs, retailers, and health practitioners around New Zealand and Australia.

“Our attention to the well-being of both humanity and the planet is inseparable from our business ethos. This certification solidifies our pledge to ethical and sustainable practices in our business, and our commitment to advancing New Zealand's seaweed industry," emphasised Hayley Fraser-Mackenzie, Managing Director, Pacific Harvest.

"We are proud to be counted among the impressive international cohort of B Corp-certified companies.”

Unlike many popular seaweed snacks which are highly processed, Pacific Harvest’s wide range of air-dried sea vegetables is minimally processed, and ethically harvested. This preserves their seaweeds’ natural mineral potency, providing consumers with food that not only feels good but is inherently good—for both human and planet health.

As the demand for plant-based nutrition grows, seaweeds, are increasingly being recognised for their delicious flavours, high mineral density, and carbon-negative footprint, positioning them as the 'food of the future’.

Pacific Harvest achieving certification is a milestone and public declaration to our customers and suppliers, our journey is far from complete," said Fraser-Mackenzie.

"We firmly believe in the transformative potential of seaweed in New Zealand and look forward to our industry catching up to fully realise this exciting opportunity.”

Read more about seaweed here.