Wreaking Havoc On American Crops

USA, corn rootworm

In The USA, a tiny ravenous predator, the corn rootworm, is causing tremendous damage to American farms.

The corn rootworm attacks underground, making their sheer numbers challenging to control. These pests cause up to two billion USD of damage annually to the nation’s corn crop. Bayer has committed to kicking off “Rootworm Week” to raise awareness of the significant threat corn rootworm poses.

From August 7th to the 11th, Bayer will raise awareness of rootworms and show how its experts are working to create solutions designed to help farmers limit the damage caused by one of the most destructive species for USA corn farmers. Bayer will share this content on its Twitter and Facebook channels and RootwormWeek.com.

“Corn Rootworm continues to be at the top of the list when it comes to creating economic damage for farmers,” said Erica Strittmatter, Corn Traits Launch and Marketing Lead at Bayer.

“Paired with increasingly volatile and unpredictable weather conditions, these pint-sized pests create big problems for growers. We must help raise awareness around rootworm and provide farmers with the tools and information to help battle this vicious pest.”

When rootworm is present, it can cause up to 45 percent yield loss. Corn rootworms often adapt to pest management strategies, making it a challenge farmers must plan for each year.

For ‘Rootworm Week,’ Bayer will release educational videos and stories that educate and entertain viewers. Those who tune into Rootworm Week will learn what corn rootworm is, why it feasts on corn plants and its roots, and what’s being done to keep rootworms in check.

“In any part of their lifecycle, from the larval worm stage to when they become adult beetles, rootworms attack corn. Last year’s mild winter followed by the dry and windy spring conditions have the Bayer team and many farmers monitoring corn fields closely to keep rootworm in check.”

Bayer’s Crop Science division has been working on solutions for growers to battle these destructive insects. One of the latest is SmartStax PRO with RNAi Technology. RNAi-based technologies are developed from a naturally occurring process in the targeted plant or pest to stop or decrease the production of a specific protein. They can be used to target specific pests, like the corn rootworm.